Tuesday 7 April 2015

Keep A Notebook And Pen Next To Your Bed

During the day I use my phone to jot down notes. However, I prefer a notebook or notepad to an electronic device when in bed because it’s less distracting. 

In this busy world, I feel it’s difficult to steal some me-time. Our occupations require us to be on point but without quality rest we can become mentally fried. Sleep is essential; therefore, it’s my number 1 me-time. 

Imagine you’re asleep or just drifting off when you have a great idea or a brilliant sentence you want to remember. 

You can:

  • try to commit it to memory and hope you (have great powers of recall) remember in the morning. 

  • reach over to your notepad, jot down your idea, roll over and get a great night sleep. 

Let’s check out the pros and cons 

Notebook pros: 

  • limits the interruption of sleep
  • you can relax because you know you will not forget your amazing idea.
  • you will not be tempted to check emails, twitter etc
  • you will not be overstimulated by a bright light
  • grab quality sleep

Notebook cons:

  • your writing might be illegible 
  • you may need to spend a little time deciphering what you wrote

Recently, I spent more time trying to decipher what I had scribbled the night before than I care to admit. 
Finally, I gave up, got up and started my day. It wasn’t until I went to make my first cup of coffee that I realised I was out of milk. It wasn’t an amazing idea (this time). 

Do you have a system in place for jotting down ideas? Do you prefer digital or paper?